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2022/8/20 21:30:15   


贝卡尔特(www.bekaert.com)在钢丝变形和镀膜技术领域居全球科技和市场领先地位。贝卡尔特持续为全球客户创造卓越价值,致力于成为钢丝产品及解决方案的首选供应商。贝卡尔特(Euronext Brussels:BEKB)是一家总部位于比利时的跨国公司,在世界各地拥有近30000名员工,年销售额达44亿欧元。








Your Role职责描述:

1.Build deep know-how of steel cord manufacturing process, pay close attention to the external technology trends by literature study, patent review, technical communication, etc.熟练掌握钢帘线工艺基础知识,并且通过文献阅读,专利检索,学术交流等方式,保持对外部技术发展趋势的密切关注

2.Actively contribute new idea for technical innovation, finish the technical feasibility study积极参与相关区域的技术创新,贡献新idea,并且完成相应的可行性评估

3.Lead or participate the new technology development project, including defining objective, scope, plan, coordinating the cross-function resource to executing the project plan to successful closur参与或负责新技术开发项目,包括制定项目目标,范围,计划,协调相关部门资源推进项目按时交付

4.Support the operation team for new technology industrialization and problem solving支持运营部门完成新技术的工业化推广及相应问题的解决

Your Profile任职要求:

1.MS degree and above in mechanical, material, chemical background机械/材料/化学专业硕士学位

2.Good communication in English良好的英语听说读写能力

3.Strong communication skills and presentation skills较强的沟通和表达能力

4.Strong learning ability and curiosity to new opportunities较强的学习能力,对新鲜事物有好奇心


Your Role:

1. Making testing reports by following standard operational procedures (SOP), and providing necessary technical interpretation to customers,按照客户的测试要求进行测试,并为客户提供必要的解读

a) Operating testing equipment by following SOPs


b) Prepare reports according to customers’ requirements


2. Developing testing methods according to customers’ requirements, and making procedures accordingly,


a) Build-up lab competence in different material testing techniques, including but not limited to,


b) Mechanics of material failure, like fatigue, torsion, tensile and other tests,


c) Metallographic analysis, including optical microscopy, electrical microscopy, etc.


d) Chemical analysis, including wet chemical analysis, instrumental analysis, electrochemical analysis etc.


3. Participate R&D projects in process & product development by giving required technical expertise.


a) Build-up in-depth understanding in the relationship between process of manufacturing and material properties.


b) Work independently in a subproject of development or problem-solving related to core expertise or test development (adhesion, fatigue, electrochemistry, materials), manage progress, report on results and act as an active member.


Your Profile:

1. Hold a Master or above degree in material science related majors, including metallic materials, inorganic material, polymers, composites, mechanics of material, chemistry, electrochemistry, etc.硕士或博士学历,材料科学相关专业,包括但不限于金属材料、无机材料、高分子材料、复合材料、材料力学、化学以及电化学等领域;

2. Profound knowledge in characterization and performance evaluation of materials, ambition to become expert in material characterization techniques.在材料表征及相关性能评估等领域有较深的知识积累,并志于在材料科学领域进行深入的研究和探索。

3. Open-minded, non-linear thinker and inspired to become an Innovator.思路开阔,具有非线性思维,希望成为一个优秀的创新者;

4.Good communication and reporting skills in both English and Chinese.具有良好的中英文沟通能力,包括书面和口语;

5.Team worker with good coordination skills.具有良好的团队合作和协调能力。

6.Willingness to do in-depth study in carbon steel characterization and processing technologies.愿意从事碳钢性能表征和相关产品工艺技术的深入研究;


Purpose of the Job

1.Cooperate with R&D departments to realize the innovation and improvement of process& product technology.与研发部门合作,实现创新工艺项目的具体开发过程,以确保工艺技术的不断完善;

2.Ensure the plants' operation by process technology maintenance and solving operation process technology problems. 负责工厂的工艺技术维护,支持并解决工厂生产工艺的技术难题,保证工厂的正常生产;

Your Role

1.Cooperate with R&D departments to realize the innovation and improvement of process technology.与研发部门合作,支持工艺创新项目的实现,保证生产工艺的不断改进和完善。

(1). Support on the process/spare parts' development and verification independently accroding to requests.根据需求,支持完成工艺/备件的开发及验证.

(2). Leading and support products innovation project with high communication and keep the information transfer correctly for design, implementation, data collection and analysis, improvement and adjust. 主导或参与产品/研发试验从设计、实施到数据收集,分析、改进调整过程,保持高效沟通,确保信息传递无误.

(3). Allocate the resource reasonable, solve the technology problem in project efficiently, knowledge reserve and update the relate document timely.合理调配资源,高效解决项目开展中的疑难杂症,适时更新相关文档及知识储备.

(4). According to needs of technology team, to be responsible the analysis and adjust of innovation project.根据需求,独立完成创新性课题的分析及验证.

2. Technical assistant to plants


(1). Quickly solve the problem in plant product line with summarize feedback timely.及时协调解决工厂提出的问题,并及时总结回报.

(2). To participate in plant OPS audit with relate audit report.参与对工厂的OPS审核并完成相应的审核报告.

(3). To provide process training according to plant training needs.对工厂提供相关工艺培训.

3. Pilot plant operoation excellence


(1). Keep 5S and safety in daily working place.确保日常工作中现场/办公区域的5S与安全

(2). Insure the quality conform to custemer require product and technical service.确保产品和服务的质量符合客户要求,并按时交付

(3). To provide the process handle training according to needs.负责相关工艺的操作技能培训

(4). To improve efficiency and eliminate waste via TQM project/ TWL/ Rationalization Suggestion.通过TQM项目/合理化建议/TWL等方式,提高效率,消除浪费

Your Profile

1.College and above education background.具有专科或以上学历背景。

2.5 years related working experience with material knowledge.5年以上工厂相关工作经验,具体材料专业的相关知识。

3.Use office software expertly, good data analysis skill and write report skill.能熟练运用office操作系统,进行数据统计及编写报告。

4.Good communicate skill and team work.优秀的沟通能力及团队合作意识。


Your Role:

1. New product development and introduction 新产品开发和推广

1)Give inputs to new product design and support new product introduction给予新产品设计输入,支持新产品市场推广

2)Lead/support co-development projects with customers. 领导/支持和客户的合作开发项目

2. Build up tire application expertise提升轮胎应用技能

1)Follow up the evolution of tire market and tire technology development and help to define the roadmap for new product development.跟踪轮胎市场的动态和轮胎技术的发展并协助制定公司新产品的发展方向

2)Analyze tire application segments and understand the requirements for tire reinforcement materials.分析轮胎细分市场的产品类型并理解这些产品类型对骨架材料的要求

3)Develop value model of Bekaert offerings.为公司的产品创建价值模型

4)Determine mechanisms of problems related to steelcord application in tires.研究钢帘线在轮胎使用中出现的问题的机理

Your Profile:

1. Bachelor degree or above  本科或本科以上学历

2. 5+ years working experience in tire product development at a major tire company with good track record. Strong experience in tire failure analysis, complaint handling and outdoor testing is preferred.大型轮胎公司产品开发5年以上工作经验。有轮胎失效分析、抱怨处理和户外测试经验者优先考虑。

3. Strong project management skills. 优秀的项目管理能力。

4. Strong leaning capability, good communication skills, self-motivator and team player.优秀的学习能力、沟通能力、自我激励


招聘热线:0510-86009683 苏女士


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